My recommendations for the upcoming primary on September 13th.
As we approach the primary I’m oft asked for my opinion on candidates in the Republican primary. I’m grateful that people trust my analysis of the candidates.
We are all getting loads of glossy mailers these days, particularly if you are on one of the various lists of regular voters. Of course, these postcards are mainly sent by those seeking national, or statewide offices.
Often there is less information available for those of us lower down on the ballot. Having served in the statehouse for the past 10 years, I am familiar with many candidates and have personal knowledge of their qualities.
For Governor, I am supporting Karen Testerman. She is a proven reliable conservative candidate with a strong familiarity of NH government.
I’m torn on US senate candidates. Bolduc, Mansharamani, and Smith each have great promise and I’ll gladly support the winner in replacing the current dud.
In CD1 I have endorsed Tim Baxter. I know Tim will NOT become a swamp creature if we send him to D.C.
For state senator I am supporting John Plumer. John has always been one to tell you what he would do, and then follow through with his actions. He is easily the most reliable candidate for state senate.
In state representative district 4, I ask for your vote. I have 10 years of experience in the statehouse, a solid Republican voting record, and the time to commit to the task.
Sheriff Bill Wright has been excellent in the job, a true professional.
Register of Probate is an interesting position. Upon request I’ll detail the history of this office. Cutting to the chase, this is a race for a seat in the Republican party leadership. Marc Abear is the superior choice.
County commissioner is a rather sad elected office, they serve to rubber stamp the actions dictated by the county administrator. Yes, that is a cynical viewpoint, I’ve watched them come and go; nothing changes. Dick Burchell was the last to try to apply a bit of integrity to the office, may he rest in peace. Fran Wendelboe has shown her Republican cred and gets my nod.
Finally, delegates to the state party. Both Doug Trottier and Nikki McCarter will be delegates by virtue of winning their uncontested primary. Both Susan Seaferd and Travis Toner would be good delegates. Only one can get the spot in D4. I recommend writing-in Susan Seaferd in D8. I don’t have any information about Margo Racicot, sorry.
My sample ballot is available if you’d like to print it out or share.