What is a Republican?

I got a good chuckle reading about my becoming a RINO (Republican In Name Only) after I escaped one of the worst Democrat strongholds in the country, New York.  Good riddance to bad trash. As I arrived in New Hampshire in 2010, I stopped at the border to breathe in the freedom in the air. As a new refugee I looked for ways to assimilate to the local culture.

Shortly after arriving a political storm was brewing; Ward Bird had become a victim of a lunatic leftists’ trespass on his property.  I, armed with freedom and a bit of new hardware, joined the fight to get Ward out of his cage. 

I didn’t have any plans to become a political office holder, in fact I hadn’t even registered to vote. Then in June 2012 providence came knocking. Having recently moved to Belmont, Republicans were searching for two people to run for state representative. I long resisted the arm twisting but finally joined Chuck Fink to run a write-in campaign in the primary.

Fresh new state representatives Chuck Fink and Mike Sylvia

These days words are difficult to trust, so please consider my deeds. In my first term in the House, I was introduced to the House Republican Alliance (HRA).  This group is dedicated to evaluating all bills in the light of the Republican party platform and our constitutions.  Looking back at that first term, I see my HRA scores were 97.7 and 97.9 (http://nhhra.org/hra/publications/scorecard-archive/).

Is it possible that the HRA was under the influence of RINOs?  You might recognize a couple of the Tri-chairs of 2013-2014; Al Baldasaro, Carol McGuire, and Pam Tucker.  I dare you to call Al a RINO to his face.  The Honorable Pam Tucker now serves as vice-chair of the NH Republican party.  I have been one of the Tri-chairs of HRA for these past 4 years. 

Perhaps we need to go back and consider the source, those who would like to place a label upon me. The guy who voted against parental rights (HB1431):

Don’t be fooled, Skip Murphy of GraniteGrok has definitely not endorsed this representative for reelection.

Belmont Property Assessments

Belmont is buzzing with the release of our new property tax assessments. It is not the happy humming that comes from my bee hives, it’s much more an angry noise of a disturbed hornet nest. As we sit atop a housing market peak the people of town feel like they have been here before. With the new assessments will come a new lower tax rate, which many feel will push up the amount of tax paid on their property. They expect that this will start anew the ratcheting up of the rates going forward.

The Biden plan is to Build Back Better, but in order to build back he has, in short order, wrecked what was a vibrant economy. Spending more money labeled as Inflation Reduction is like eating dessert to lose weight. New Hampshire citizens wisely maintained a solid Republican state government which has buffered the people from the worst damage inflicted by D.C.

Some complain that my attitude of limiting government spending doesn’t allow for plush county services. Many of the hard working people of Belmont know the difficulties of filling the gas tank, paying the electric bill, and if there is a bit left over, buying a bag or two of groceries. They appreciate my service and thank me for taking the flack. I’m happy to do it and will continue to do so in the future.

Many believe that we may be headed for a more serious recession. The county delegation will be meeting on September 1, 2022 to consider raising wages to employees. This will add to the property taxes of Belknap county at a time when people are struggling with Bidenflation. Let your representatives know what you think.

Assessment Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

KRT Appraisal Data


Beware citizens, there are radicals and extremists roaming the countryside. That’s what all those signs littering the streets would have you believe. Oddly enough they seem to consider freedom to be a radical concept. This, in the ‘land of the free,’ doesn’t make sense.

In order to understand what’s really going on, you need to consider the source. It appears that the source is working from an instruction manual. Perhaps they are using Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’?

Alan Posnack audaciously claims to be the leader of the citizens of Belknap County. He and a small band of entitled elitists scatter their trash across the county in an attempt to appear to be supported by the average people of the area. These are the same sorts of people that want to ban ‘single use’ plastic bags. They lack the self-awareness to see the irony of the mess they create.

As Rob Natelson writes in his article, Beware the Word “Extremist”:

The modern “progressive” project has centered on changing the key factors of cultural and freedom: attacking the culture, undermining constitutional restraints on government, and expanding the public sector until it dominates American life. A group seeks to topple the central pillars of a system is by definition “extremist,” no matter what they call their opponents.

I’ll happily accept the badge of honor offered by ‘progressives’ for my work in leading the most conservative county delegation in the state of New Hampshire. They are a small minority desperate to distract you from the catastrophic failures of the Biden administration of which you are reminded every time you reach for your wallet.